Sunday, January 13, 2008

Making That First Sales Call

I had a wry smile recently when I saw the nightly news anchor in front of the Iowa state capitol building. He was dutifully standing there reporting on the Iowa Democratic caucus. But he wasn't the reason for my smile, it was because of the building behind him. Many years ago, I also found myself standing on the steps of that very same capitol building.

In the early 70's I was assigned my first sales territory by Eastman Kodak Company and I was based in Des Moines, Iowa. As I was wandering around Des Moines, contemplating who in the world I should call on first, I spotted the majestic state capitol building. It dawned on me to call on the highest ranking person in the state, the Governor himself. I felt that if I could call on him, then anyone else would seem "small potatoes".

So off I went. I drove to the Iowa state capitol building and promply reported unannounced in the Governor's outer-office. The Governor's name was Bob Ray and his friendly secretary was very understanding and a bit amused that I would chose the Governor to be the recipiant of my very first sales call.

She politely told me that Governor Ray was not in the building, and I would have to make an appointment to see him at a later date. Dissappointed but undaunted, I asked her who was the next highest-ranking official who might be available. She offered a small chuckle and told me it was the Secretary of the State, Mr. Melvin Seinhorst. She pointed me to his office and off I went.

Much to my surprise and delight, His Honor, The Secretary of State, of the great state of Iowa, Mr. Melvin Seinhorst himself appeared in the outer room off of his office and hardily agreed to meet with me. After a powerful handshake, Mr. Seinhorst ushered me into his inner chambers. Our meeting ended up being one of the kindest gestures of my sales career. This busy man actually spent his valuable time listening to what a young rookie salesman had to say.

I wish I could tell him today how much that moment meant to me, because it gave me the continued confidence to call on anyone, at any level of business. After the meeting, my career was off and running, and I feared no one. This newfound confidence, I am certain, led to my success.

If you are struggling to decide how to get started and how to get your confidence up, try calling on the most prominent person or account you have. Try the one that you may have been avoiding out of fear. Step right up and do it. You will certainly learn something positive from it, and you will likely gain immeasureable confidence for the future.

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